Trunk Treasures
I was reading this article on CNN [about a girl who survived 10 days after a car accident by eating noodles and Gatorade that were in the car] and realized that if I were ever stranded in my car, I'm certain I have nothing in my car that will help me survive. I've heard that people can tell a lot about you based on what's in your trunk. I'm a little afraid to ask what my trunk says about me. Currently its contents are:
inflatable air bed
tennis raquet
Con Law book (from last semester)
Longaberger candle and votive
2 boxes of cat litter
metal lock box
box of Kleenex
CD cases
A ziploc bag of homemade questions for True Colors that I had to remove before my sister borrowed the game.
1 glove and a scarf
Actually, now that I look at it, I'm thinking it says I need to clean out my car.