Happiness is...
Going to Starbucks and ordering a pumpkin scone, only to be told that earlier they accidently broke off a corner on one, and they'd been waiting all morning for someone to order one so that they could give it away for free.
What can I say, some days it doesn't take much to make me happy.
However, happiness slightly dampered when she turned to announce to the other employees, and hence the whole store, that they finally had someone willing to take the free scone... and they cheered. Had flashbacks of buying my Saturn and crazy Saturn salespeople being called to my car to take pictures, clap, blow noise horns, and whatever else was appropriate to "congratulate the newest Saturn owner." Only at Starbucks I didn't have the joy of hitting the gas pedal and trying to see how many employees I could potentially run over while they tried to take one more Polaroid of me with my new car.