Saturday, March 12, 2005

Music of the Moment

Since I know everyone has been waiting with bated breath to find out who's spinning around in my CD player these days, I give to you, in no particular order, the soundtrack of my life.

Keane: A Scottish group that sounds a lot like U2, but whom I find less annoying to listen to. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some of U2s songs, but never did hop on that whole bandwagon.

Megan Slankard Band: After getting over the initial shock that I actually had a female artist amongst my collection, I've really enjoyed this CD. Unique lyrics. Catchy tunes. Everything I love in a band.

Counting Crows: An oldie but a goodie.

Ingram Hill: Was labeled as a "much anticipated debut" and was on sale for $7 at Target, so I couldn't resist. And they're actually pretty good to boot.

Plumb: A contemporary Christian band who hasn't had as much success crossing over [a la bands like Jars of Clay]. Except for their one song "Stranded" which has appeared in every teen movie produced since 1997.

Bowling for Soup: What can I say, I'm a sucker for "1985" and "Almost".
