Saturday, April 17, 2004

Sex Talks

My parents, as you can probably guess, are a bit on the prudish side. We never had the sex talk when we were growing up and they about flipped out when they found a couple of Cosmo mags in my sister's room. They do not watch R rated movies (with the exception of The Passion) because of the sex and profanity, and I make sure I'm not in the room if they're watching a show on TV and I know something is coming up. Their attitudes are pretty much the same as the rest of our town, which is probably why our county had the highest teen pregnancy rate in the nation when I graduated.

So you can imagine my shock when my mom starts talking about sexual fetishes during dinner.

A few weeks ago, she was sharing her newest knowledge of sex terms when she learned what "tossing the salad" was from an episode of Oprah. Then came the discussion of "rainbow parties" and how the junior highers around here were having them. The other night, she brought up "living on the downlow" which she learned from a Law and Order ep. Sadly, she missed today's Oprah which was covering the same topic.

She has been asking me lately to show her what a blog is, and I thought I'd choose something clean cut and profanity free. But I'm reconsidering and thinking maybe she'd benefit from seeing Chuck's blog. I'm sure she'd act shocked and appalled at the "Is this a legal term or bizarre sex act?" quiz, but then bring it up at dinner to show her vast knowledge. I just don't know if I could deal with her starting to answer the questions correctly.