Thursday, March 18, 2004

Spring break

My friends and I were supposed to meet another friend for her birthday yesterday, and we ate dinner early so we'd be ready to go out. We planned on getting at the bar at 10ish, so we called a cab at 9:15 to pick us up. Naively, we believed them when they said there was a cab in the area and would be there shortly. 3 cab companies, a dozen phone calls, and a few drinks later, our cab finally came at 11:30. By the time we got to the bar, there was a line of about a hundred people, and as we neared the door, we had about 40 more cut in front of us and pretended they knew someone up there.

But it all ended up well. The beer was cheap, the music was retro, and the company was great. And I didn't have to get up this morning. I'm thinking we need 2 weeks of spring break.