Wednesday, May 05, 2004


I took one of those online personality tests yesterday because I was bored. I'm always curious to see if I can be figured out by just clicking a few buttons and checking a box or two. This is what this one told me about myself:

You're a very down-to-earth woman with a sensual nature. You're modest and are the first to poke fun at yourself. For you life should be "balanced" with lots of time for fun, relaxation, and romance. You feel deeply about your loved ones and the important issues in your life. You're a little shy and only let a few people get especially close. You put the ones you love ahead of everything else. In fact, you often put them ahead of your own needs. At this point in your life you're more ready and able than most women to experience romance and a powerful "spark" with someone.

Because you're a practical down-to-earth woman, at times you can hold on to habits and traditions too long and be slow to do things a different way, try a new technology, or change your beliefs. On most days, you need to get away from other people (including your loved ones) and have quiet time alone to rest and recharge your emotional and social batteries. Some days when you're in a bad mood and can't hide it, co-workers or friends take it personally and think you're upset at them. You can sometimes be too pragmatic and need to be reminded to dream a little.

Hmmm, this one seems to be more accurate than others I've taken in the past. Those usually ask me for my sign (Capricorn) and then proceed to tell me I'm a stingy, money-hungry whore. Though this powerful "spark" thing is kinda scaring me. I heard on the radio today that a man in Texas set up a romantic bubble bath for his wife, complete with rose petals, wine and mood music, and then tried to shove the radio into the water to electrocute her. If that's the powerful "spark" I'm headed for... no thanks, I'll pass.