Sunday, December 07, 2003

Censored Dancing

Rather than do something productive, like studying, I went to my high school's basketball games last night, and then watched a 1 a.m. TV showing of Dirty Dancing. Now, even though the film is PG-13, they still did some substantial editing. For instance...

Scene starts with an outside shot of Johnny's cabin. Cut to the inside and Baby and Johnny are laying in bed. They're chatting and she asks him a question and he, frustrated, rolls over, and starts to get out of bed. Cut to a shot of the outside of his cabin again, while soundtrack music still plays. And cut back inside and Johnny's standing next to the bed wearing pants. What's missing from this scene????

Johnny's butt shot of course. You all know what I'm talking about. I guess they couldn't just splice the scene since there was a song playing in the background. I personally thought the wooden cabin shot inserted was completely natural. ...snert...